Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy 100th Post!

To celebrate my 100th post, I will now tell you 100 things you never knew about me.

JK of course. I don't have 100 new or cool things to share. However, I do have some really exciting news...

We have finalized our Wedding date & are having it at Hurd Orchards!!

I'm so excited.

A few quick details...

The date is May 21st, 2011. I know it's really soon but we can pull it off because as you may remember,

Hurd Includes:
-The Ceremony
-The Reception including:
The Cake
The food (appetizers/main courses)
Use of the tables, chairs, linens, servingware, beautiful decorations, etc.

All we had to do was get a photographer (all set), an officiant (in progress) and figure out our music situation (still deciding).

So with that being said, it is absolutely possible to pull it all off. I just couldn't be more happy/grateful to have this wedding. While I understand it is a good price/great value, I still can't begin to say thank you to those who are helping us make this happen...I will provide a post on that later. For now, the fun stuff!

Last night, I ordered my garter set and some bridesmaid related items. Then, we went to the mall to see if we could find any dresses that would be good for the Bridesmaids...no such luck, but I did order my wedding ring. :) JCPennys was having a great sale in honor of Presidents Day, so it was a real steal.

The only two things I'm anxious to do are get my dress and the bridesmaid dresses ordered. I found one that I am in love with online at a dress shop. It's right in my price range and I think I'll end up going with that. However, Thursday we have an appointment at David's Bridal to try on some bridesmaid dresses and a few for myself. Mostly to make sure there is nothing else I like more before I go ahead and order that one. It'll also be really convenient to try on their dresses so I can get my size.

This is the bridesmaid dress that I am in love with...

Obviously in a different color (probably a light brown, as the "greens" on this site are not too pretty.

Our invitations are picked out, we will probably place that order on Friday. Believe it or not, as soon as they come in we will begin the process in sending them out...as the wedding is less than 12 weeks away. Yikes!

I'm so excited :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day! (a day late).

I'm running a little behind lately, please forgive me. Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day yesterday! Ours was pretty calm (almost non-existent). Trevor had to work 5-1:30 am, so he wasn't able to join us. Hunter and I ordered some dinner from Mark's Pizzeria (a wrap for me, french fries & chicken tenders for him) and watched some movies. Hunter was more excited that he got to eat at a tray table (he's usually in his high chair). He did surprisingly well....

I didn't give him his Valentine's gifts yet, because Trevor and I wanted to do it together. We just spent the night relaxing and then turned in (so exciting I know!). We will have our little family "Valentine's Day" on Thursday instead.

Sunday night though, Hunter and I were busy making Valentine's treats for his buddies at daycare.

First we made Rice Krispie treats (such a classic, and one of my favorites). To make them special I put a little red dye in the marshmallow mix and after they cooled we cut them with a heart-shaped cookie cutter. Then we wrapped them up in these cute little heart bags that I found at Michael's last season.

Then, we started on the Cupcake bites. I first saw these when Heather made them for her cousin Lindsay's baby shower. I'm not a huge chocolate fan, but let me tell you-these things are amazing! I made the recipe according to the Bakerella instructions for "Easy Cupcake Bites". When they say Easy... they don't factor in the time they take and the mess they make. Completely worth it though...

They are always a hit!

Then, I had some extra chocolate leftover from the Cupcake bites, so I poured it into one of the Valentine's Day molds that I got from my Grandma.

Voila! Instant treats for the kids at daycare, and an extra special one for Julie. I also had a bunch of leftovers so naturally I took them into work. Didn't take long for them to dissapear...

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

While you were sleeping...

Just wanted to drop in real quick to share a small photo op. Long story short, when Trev works late (which is most nights), I will let Hunter fall asleep in our room and then Trevor will just move him into his own bed when he gets home from work. Well, apparently when he got home last night, this is what he found...

Please excuse my weird creepy sleeping face and pay close attention to where my lovely son's leg is. Nice huh? That can't be comfortable...

Sweet dreams everyone!

Blues Clues

Now that Hunter is developing his own little personality, I always find myself wondering what his "style" will be. Right now, he'll play with whatever we put in front of him. Books, games, etc, if it looks interesting, he is all about it. But like any toddler, he loses interest very quickly. Which brings me to the title of this post. A few Saturdays ago Trevor and I were trying to find a movie to watch, something that we would both enjoy but Hunter also would. He wouldn't really acknowledge anything and continued to play. We stumbled across a re-run of the Nickelodeon show Blue Clue's. Well let me tell you, Hunter did not move from the couch. He was pulled in by the ever-so-goofy Steve and a cute little blue puppy named Blue.

Now, although he doesn't say a ton of words.. one of his favorite's is "boo coo". (Translation, Blue's Clue's). He has a BC book that he carries everywhere. I kid you not. This child is obsessed. I find it funny because neither one of us even encouraged the show, he just chose it himself. I think it's adorable...

So what does Mommy order on Amazon.com for Valentine's day?

A cute little Beanie Blue.. He'll love this right up. (And rub it on his face...)

& the Blue's Valentine's Day book.

Oh yes, and obviously jumping the gun a little...

A sweet little treat for his Easter basket (hey, free shipping...gotta think ahead of the game).

Sorry I've been a little behind on posting, more things to come!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday!

Happy Monday!

& Congrats Packers!! Yesterday was a great game. For those of you who watch football, or let's face it, almost everyone in America the Superbowl is a day of food, friends & family and football! That is just what it was for us. We had a few friends over and each made our favorite appetizers to share. We had quite the spread of chicken wings, taco dip, confetti dip, stromboli, pigs in a blanket and ranch/sausage cups. We had wayy too much food as usual, but it made for great leftovers to bring into work today.

I also made up some Superbowl themed cookies... Kind of weak, I know, but I just wanted something a little festive without putting too much time into them. I was personally rooting for the Packers but I made an even amount of Steelers cookies so that everyone was represented.

Saturday during the day, Amanda, Devon, Rachel and I went to the Ice Wine Festival at Casa Larga Vineyards. It was a lot of fun! This year we went around the time it started to avoid crowds and I'm glad we did. We were able to walk around and do our tastings / samplings without having to wait. The food was amazing and as always, the Ice Wine was delicious.

After we were done we all headed back to my house to eat some lunch and hang out with Hunter. Later that night we headed our to McGreggors for our friend Kansas's Birthday dinner. It was fun!

It was a great weekend, but I am excited for this week... I get to meet with the woman who owns Hurd Orchards and plans the weddings there. Time to find out if this is the one... :) More to come.

Have a great Monday!
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