Let's be honest, I knew this was coming. Trevor joined the military a few months after we started dating. We knew that sometime throughout his time with the Army, they would have to tour overseas. Most likely to Afghanistan. At the end of 2011. So I never really thought too much about it. Fast forward almost 4 years, and we are coming up on the end of 2010 *maybe I'm just in denial but did this past year go by waaay too fast?*. This past weekend, while Trevor was at Fort Drum, they gave him his "orders". They did this because we hit the "one-year-til" mark. One year. I couldn't even believe it. We've talked about it a bunch of times and of course I don't hide it from others, but this was a huge reality check for me. Before I continue, I need to point out that Trev and I have been through a lot. Like I pointed out, we started dating in 2007, and only months later he left for basic training. Then AIT. We had a good 8 month gap away from each other in a crucial point in our relationship. And we made it. To me, distance is not going to be the issue. I am very independent and sometimes even enjoy time to myself. The year will be rough, but I will survive. Hunter Charles will be the best company for me, in addition to friends and family of course! So I'm not worried about myself. I'll make it. I am however worried about Hunter.
He is going through a stage right now where he is attached to Trevor's hip.
Hunter wants to see what he is doing at all times. He walks around chanting Da-Da, Da-Da... Even though we all know he can say Ma-Ma, and other words. A part of me is just afraid that his "spirit" will change when his b.f.f Dad is away for a little while. I know that's a terrible thing to think and of course every single part of me is going to remind him everyday that Dad's comin' home, Dad misses him, Dad this.. and that, but it's still in the back of my mind. Luckily in our day and age, we have the technology to "stay connected". Trev and I wrote a million letters back and forth while he was in Texas for training, and although Hunter is too young to write, we will still send him pictures and other fun things. Skype will also be a huge help.Needless to say, I knew what I was getting myself into...and although Hunter Charles was born into this, he couldn't be prouder of his Dad...

I know that families deal with this every single day, so this is not meant to make anyone feel sorry. We will get past this... It's just sort of strange to think about. I think mostly, we'll just miss him while he's gone...And we'll always have this a wavin'...because we couldn't be prouder of him.

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