Today, for lack of a better word, is a "blah" day. Due to a number of reasons. Hunter Charles is not feeling well at all. He's got a fever & an ear-ache and although he is still a chipper little boy I feel terrible for him. Also, "year-end" is a terrible time here at work... The stress is unbelievable and I actually get home and remember someone I had to call or an E-Mail I had to write. It's the first time in a really long time I've pulled out the laptop and worked from home. Blah. Also, I think there's that after Christmas (super broke) feeling that just bums you out.
Alright, I'll stop being a downer now and take a moment to be grateful for what I do have;
A healthy family, loving friends & a warm house. (oh, and 10 season's of Friends DVD's to make me smile.) Mwa haha.
On a random note, here's some things I've been lovin' lately....(and are super helpful for WW 2011!!)

The Misto is AMAZING. It evenly distributes Olive Oil on our food.. and makes it much easier to "count" the calories. Plus, it's only $9.95... Yowza!
Thank god this week is half over!
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