He was being a good boy for the most part, but not quite as smiley as he is sometimes in the evening. She still got some great smiles from him though, and they came out great. Here is my favorite one, I’m not sure what it is but it just puts me in the best mood when I see him smile like that. I think Trevor agrees also, we could b.e having the worst day ever and if he smiles at us later that night all is forgotten! We are in so much trouble lol.
Sunday was a fairly quiet day. We did some housework, and my mom convinced us to come over for dinner. We had steak, salad, corn on the cob and onion rings/French fries. Correction; I had a tiny piece of steak, corn on the cob w/ no butter, salad w/ no dressing and a cup of FF Cottage Cheese. Doesn’t sound too appealing right? Well, I don’t the small portion of steak, it’s not my absolute favorite anyways. The corn was fine without butter believe it or not, and I LOVE cottage cheese so that was no biggie. The hardest part for me was eating my salad without dressing. I am a HUGE ranch fan, but my mom had 0 dressings that were FF or even LIGHT. Bummer. Oh well though, I went home and had a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich, yum. I think I even may have gotten Trevor hooked on them.
Tuesday night was my first cake decorating class at Michaels! It was a lot of fun, I got some great tips that I never would have thought of within the first hour. I mentioned the classes to my friend Jen at work a week or so ago, and she loved the idea and ended up signing up for the same class. So it was definitely nice to have a friend there to chat with. Turns out I have to buy even more supplies than my kit had, so that’s always fun! Looove shopping at Michaels. I get so excited walking in there it’s crazy! I know every time I go in that I’m in trouble. The great thing about Michaels is that they have amazing coupons, and always have sales, so it’s not as bad as you’d think. ;).
Anyways, while I was shopping after class I noticed the most adorable thing over in the decal aisle. (What was I doing there you ask? I got “lost” of course, HeHe). It was a little iron on screen print of a little skunk and th. Above it was a 3 pack of plain white cotton bibs. Hmmmm. What would a forest-animal-loving freak do in this situation? Buy it of course. And pick up a new hobby lol. Well, let’s not push it and say it’s a new hobby, I just really wanted Hunter to have a bib that has that print on it.
It was really really easy to do, and cost about $6.00 in total (after coupon of course), so it was well worth it. I don’t think I need to go into detail explaining instructions because if you decide to do this yourself, refer to the back of the iron on for complete directions!
It turned out cute I think, and as a bonus it came with a little Fox that said Foxy. Now, generally I would think that saying is totally lame. But picture a cute little chubby cheeked dragon wearing it around the ladies and then tell me you wouldn’t put it on him. I did have an extra white bib in the pack, so I saved it in my craft “box” in case I find another cute iron on that I can’t live without!
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