Well, I can't exactly say we gave our 3-month old a cookie (hang up the phones, we aren't THAT clueless), but we did start him on cereal. By orders of Dr. Tuite (hehe) Hunter's pediatrician, our little dragon is starting to eat very-watered down cereal by the spoon!
*Moment off topic* Can you believe that his Doctor's name is Dr. Tuite?? Yes it's pronounced just like it's spelled, like TOOT. Lol. Maybe it's just me, but I get a kick out of it every single time I say it, although, I am also very immature. But on a sidenote, he is a great guy. He was Trevor, Tyler and I believe even Heather's pediatrician when they were kids, so he obviously did a good job considering they are all alive and very healthy!
Back on topic though, apparently the reason he recomended the cereal is because I mentioned that he was just eating and eating and still wanting more. He said that if we gave him a little cereal in his bottle that it would fill him up so he would be happy and be able to go to sleep. That worked for a couple weeks but eventually he started acting all "dragony" when he couldn't get the rice out of the bottle quick enough so we put an end to that.
Now we are adding water to a couple tablespoons of rice cereal and feeding him sitting up. He is doing well...Just a little messy.
Have I mentioned that I love him.
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