Well fast forward 3 years, college, bills, and one child later and you will find me in Penfield, NY, where I have lived for the past year and a half. Obviously a lot has happened since my last Blog, but let's not revisit too much of the past. ;)
Actually, let's start over for those of you who are just tuning in. My name is Kara. I am 22 years old, I work for Paychex Inc. located in Penfield, NY. I actually like my job... Funny right? I am a Bills fan, an even bigger Yankees fan, and a die-hard Sabres Fan. In fact, i'm still holding out on marriage until Ryan Miller realizes what he's missing. J/k of course.. Maybe. I enjoy cooking, scrapbooking, reading, reality shows (yeah yeah judge me if you must), all kinds of wine, and spending time with my family. Let's start with introductions.

Trevor. My boyfriend, and often times the one I consider my best friend. Amazingly enough, we get along great & I look forward to coming home to him everyday. (Even if he's almost predictably sitting in the same exact spot on the couch every weekday when I get home from work.) He is in the National Guard (yeah that's right, I landed myself a real live army guy!), and just started his career in HVAC.
Now for my other favorite man.
On May 25th 2009 (Yes, Memorial Day), a little dragon decided to join us in this big world. That's right, my first child Hunter Charles was born after 12 tumultuous hours of labor.

Okay let's step back... You probably think i'm crazy, calling my son "dragon". It is a nickname that we came up for him one day when he started "growling" at us while we were feeding him. From that point on, everyone began calling him that as well and now he is stuck with it.
He is the love of my life now, I love spending every extra minute I have with him. Like now for example, he is sleeping on my lap. Finally...Well, on that note, I suppose I should get to sleep considering the fact that he may wake up at any moment wanting more food. Some kids just always depend on their parents for EVERYTHING, geez...
More to come soon, just wanted to say hello again and can't wait to get started back up!
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