Here is Trevor and I before the concert. All in all the concert was great, not too fond of the $10 beer or the $8 “shot” of wine that they provide, but that seems to be a trend with any type of concert you attend. The only real downfall was me dropping my brand new blackberry curve into a puddle of “water” in the bathrooms. YUCK! For my peace of mind I’m going to assume that it was water and not something more disgusting than that. Needless to say, it stopped working, so I spent the rest of the night with no phone. Not very convenient when you are trying to find the people you came with. Haha, but either way I eventually found my way back to the crowd and I took it to Verizon the next day and there was no sign of water damage, so they assumed it had a manufacturing malfunction and ordered me a new one free of charge. Woo hoo! Luckily I still had my chocolate 3, so i'm using that, but I can’t wait to get my new phone in the mail. Yay!
Meanwhile Hunter was in Canandaigua spending some long over-do time with Grandma (my mom). I went to pick him up Saturday morning (very excited because I can’t seem to leave him for ONE night without missing him), and we went a couple garage sales near my mom’s house. Then we came home and unfortunately I had to pick right up and leave again for Liz’s bachelorette party. I’m the maid-of-honor so it’s my duty to be there or be square! So as I was rushing to get ready I picked up the diaper bag and out flew the $25 bride-to-be wine glass I had bought at Wegman’s for Liz. Of course it broke right in half, and I picked it up to put the pieces on the table and it broke again! Great, so at this point we are already rushing around but we HAD to stop at Wegman’s because I was not going to let that go to waste (yeah I’m cheap, so be it). Luckily they were great about switching it out for us, and even better luck that they actually had another one there! So after the chaos, Amanda and I take off for Buffalo.
We were meeting at Liz’s new house in Clarence, which is about 20 minutes from the restaurant so we pile into the back of Liz’s SUV, and Liz’s fiancĂ© Mike drops us off on Chippewa Street which is where Bacchus Wine Bar and Restaurant is. The food was really good, we ate Tappas style which was a lot of fun. Also, the wine I had was awesome, something called Moscato. I ordered the B.L.T Salad for my “dish to pass”, and that was great also. All in all, it didn’t really end up being what everyone said it was in the reviews I read, but it was fun and everything was delicious so that’s all that matters.
Onward to Chippewa. For those of you who are not from the area, and do not understand what Chippewa is, it is a college-friendly bar hopping street located in Downtown Buffalo. Our first stop was The Chocolate Bar, which is an adorable little Bar/Restaurant where they serve anything CHOCOLATE! One of the bridesmaids Lindsay, bought us all a shot of espresso vodka in an edible chocolate shot glass. Can you say YUM? Then we of course had to use the bathrooms, and what is playing in each stall? None other than the I Love Lucy Chocolate Factory episode! For those of you who are not aware, I am a huge I Love Lucy fan, in fact, I’ve been to the festival twice and the museum 3 times. Anyways, I basically just wanted to stay in there for the rest of the night, but apparently that wasn’t allowed.
After that, we went to “Badda Bing”, which is a pretty chill sports bar. Tim (a bridesmaid-groomsmen) bought us all a beer and we just chilled for a little bit. Then, because of a small inside joke that it was “Tim’s Birthday” we were celebrating, he bought us all what he called a Birthday Cake shot. I honestly do not know what was in it, but it ended with a lick of a sugar covered lime, and it really did taste like cake. YUM again! At this point we are all hanging around by the bar, and because it’s a sports bar the place is surrounded by TV’s showing various sporting events taking place that night. So naturally, my attention is drawn to the Bills game. For once, they are winning, yay! But, being the clumsy fool I am, I knock over a shot glass and it falls behind the bar and breaks. Oops. Soon after that we figure it’s time to move on, and end up at another bar (I don’t remember the name).

This is where things start to go bad for our Bride to Be. Fortunatly but unfortunatly Lindsay is good friends with the bartenders at this bar, and pays close to nothing for her tab. So..........50 beers and 10 million shots later it’s 11:00 pm and time to call Mike to pick us up. We had a pretty good time, Liz probably has quite the headache, but I woke up feeling just fine. I didn’t drink beyond Badda Bing because I still had to drive myself home to snuggle with my dragon.
When I got home, I was surprised to find Hunter sound asleep in his crib, complete with PJ’s, and all 10 fingers and toes! Trevor, Daddy of the Year, was just hanging out on the couch with his two friends Al and Kansas, just getting done playing some XBOX. I’m very proud of Mr. Mom for doing such a great job, I guess sometimes I forget to give him credit because you hear all these “I left my child home with their father and they gave themselves a hair cut, etc” stories. It looks like I picked a good one though. Trevor also gets extra points this weekend for suprising me with a bunch of sunflowers after the concert, my fav!
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