Alright, so let me start by saying I never claimed to be “cool”, in fact I get excited about the dumbest things sometimes. I often compare myself to that of a 70 year old woman, in the sense that I enjoy craftshows, craftstores, and just crafts in general. Aside from that, I am also a very intense “decorator”. When I get on a theme, I just go with it, and usually love the finished product! [This is one the reasons we need a house, as I have run out of space to put things up!]. That being said, I have been essentially “stalking” this one product on for I’d say about a year now, ever since I started my kitchen/dining room theme of “Wine-Grapes”. Let’s just view the product shall we?
So, the idea behind it, is it “preserves” corks and serves it’s purpose as a cute “wine friendly” decoration for the wall. When I saw this, I knew I had to have it. Your thinking to yourself, “If she saw this a year ago, why is she just purchasing it now?” Well my friends, let me explain. Although Trevor and I had a nice sized apartment in Penfield, we literally ran out of room on the dining room walls. I had a decent amount of decorations already up, and unfortunately the space in the “dining” room didn’t allow us to add a new piece (16.5 x 1.5 x 16.5 inches) without making it look over-decorated and tacky. So, Kara practices something she usually lacks, and that is “self control”. Patiently I have waited, and in anticipation of this very moment, I have even been collecting wine corks from our dinners, get-togethers, etc. Right now they are in a plastic bag, some of them even marked w/ the occasion in permanent marker.
Now that we are moving into a larger space I have purchased this “kit” and am just waiting on the arrival. Of course when I get it, I will begin putting the corks that I have in, and as you may have guessed, it will remain incomplete until I have around “60” corks. I’m probably in the range of 20 right now, so I guess I’ll have to drink 40 bottles of wine in the next week. I’m up to the challenge. Of course I’m kidding, even I can’t do that…What I’ll most likely end up doing is continue to collect, and complete the project as I go. It’ll probably end up on the wall even in it’s incomplete phase, because it will still look cute. I will check back when I receive it, and keep track of the progress. Cant wait for the finished product!