Just a real quick

The picture was of course, taken by his talented Auntie Heather.
I think he is a good mix of the 2 of us, and a lot of people agree. I'll post more on Hunter, pictures, milestones, etc. when I have some time. For now, I just wanted to jump back in because I knew if I didn't do it now, I never would.
Nothing too crazy has happened since I last left off, as to avoid boring everyone, I will just make a quick list of life events since September:

1. Hunter celebrated his first Halloween. (He was of course, a dragon!) We picked Pumpkins at Wickham Farms here in Penfield, per Trevor's recommendation and I was very pleased. Of course it wasn't too exciting for Hunter who just hung out in his front pack the whole time. But Trevor and I enjoyed the picking him his first pumpkin.

2. Hunter Celebrated his first Thanksgiving. We celebrated with Trevor's family this year, as the timing for dinner makes it very difficult to see both families. Next year, we'll visit my family!

Well, he did. I actually enjoyed the smell of fresh pine, and it really did look great with all the lights and decorations on it. Hunter got several "new"ornaments for his 1st Christmas.
This Christmas we will keep both our families traditions alive, as well as start our own new ones.
4. January marked mine and Trevor's 3 year anniversary. Holy crap that went fast! I joke around a lot, but in all honesty I couldn't have asked for a be

5. In March, Hunter took his first big road trip to Virginia to see Trevor's Southern Family. We stayed with Grandpa, but visited Great Mema & Grandad, Uncle Chris & his family, and had a few visitors stop by! It was great that everyone got to meet Hunter while he was still "small". We wish everyone could have seen him as a tiny baby, but better late than never!
6. May was a very busy month for us! Trevor and I took a trip to New York City to celebrate my birthday with our best friends. [Amanda, Mike, Devon & Al]. We drove down on a Friday morning and stayed until Sunday. It was a short trip, but it was one of the most memorable trips i've taken yet. The only thing I can hope, is that we do it again soon!
I had my first "real" Mother's Day. I put that in quotes because I feel that ANY mother, whether their baby is born or still in their tummy is considered a Mom, so technically last year was my first. But this year was my first with Hunter to enjoy it with.
I turned 23 years old. Oh my goodness! I feel like it was just yesterday I turned 21 and had my first beer. (Hope your reading this mom!).
Hunter turned one year old. I cried for a bit on his actual birthday, remembering what that day felt like a year ago. We celebrated his birthday the weekend before his actual birthday because it fell on a Tuesday. It was a dinosaur theme, and we held it at a park in town. It was a great day. Our families, and closest friends came to celebrate a very special day!
My twin sisters were born. They are very tiny, but very cute. It is unfortunate that they live such a distance, as it makes it difficult to visit.
Also in May, my Nany's birthday (she passed away in 2005), she would have been 59 years old. My mom's birthday brings up the end of May, so essentially May is a super-busy month!
7. In June, Trevor celebrated his first Father's day. Hunter got him a game of Golf at his favorite course. My Dad had his birthday. I co-hosted my first baby shower for Trevor's sister Heather who is due in September! I am so excited to meet the baby (don't know the gender yet!), and look forward to having a playmate for Hunter.
8. This brings us to July, our current month. We took our annual trip to Pocanos last weekend. It was very relaxing. We hung out by the pond, enjoyed some good food, and I managed to take a few naps! I also finished an entire book on the trip! (more to come on that).
So, in a nutshell, that was this past year. I will update more frequently moving forward, so stay tuned!
Thank you so much for sharing all of these wonderful moments. You do such a great job with keeping us up-to-date. I love you!!!