Ithaca 2010! (& a side of rain)
This past weekend I joined my best friend Amanda, and her family/friends at Robert Treman Park in Ithaca. This is a yearly tradition for them, they usually go for 2 weeks. I have been a few times in the past (I only stay a few days), but last year had to sit the trip out as I had a very new baby. This year, since Trevor is in Fort Drum for 3 weeks, I thought I would head up with Hunter to hang out for the weekend. We left Friday night from Canandaigua, and got there around 10:00. Turns out, the first night they go up to camp a day early... and camp in the Walmart Parking lot. Some of you may find this strange, but it is completely normal to myself and this crowd. See, they have an RV larger than some houses, and when you have a good group of people going-you can make any situation fun. When we (Amanda, Delaney, Hunter and I) arrived, it was Amanda's Mom, Step Dad, and her 2 "aunts" from Virginia there to greet us. Shortly after we got there, Hunter went to bed, and the rest of us enjoyed a drink (or two) outside in lawn chairs. Totally redneck. Loved every minute of it. The next morning we woke up, had some coffee and headed over to the REAL campsite (about 2 miles away). We set up camp and started to enjoy our day. Unfortunately it rained the entire time we were there. So Hunter took advantage of some puddles...

...While the rest of us sat and watched. We took a few walks, I read some of my book, and we basically just relaxed. A huge dissapointment (aside from the rain) was that the Swimming "Pool" was closed due to the crappy weather. Darn it. It was sooo hot out, the water would have felt amazing. Amanda, Hunter and I also went to the Ithaca Mall and window shopped for a bit on Sunday. It was a fun weekend despite the rain, I hope next year we have a better outcome!
Hunter on the way home...I think he had fun!!

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