Happy Good Friday everyone!
I am running on few hours of sleep this morning, so please excuse me if I skip from thing to thing (what else is new). Last night Hunter kept waking up and just whine/crying. It wasn't a full out cry, and usually when he DOES do that, he will try to tell us he needs something... binky, blankie, "more" (which means juice/water), blues clues, etc. Typically, we'll retrieve the item, give it to him and that's the last we hear of it. Last night however, was very different. He would whine, and then toss around, then whine again and do this terribly sad little cry. So, after we realized something is bothering the poor little guy, we flipped on the lights and tried numerous things. First, we gave him some water, thinking maybe his throat was dry. That didn't work. Then we tried changing him (he wasn't that wet but hey, why not). Still whining. Then we undress him and Trevor checks him (I guess to make sure he didn't have any kind of rash?) while I checked out his pajama's to make sure nothing was poking him. Still nothing. Then we take a look at the sheet, and it is completely wet up by where he lays his head. It was drool none the less. So a little lightbulb went off and realized he is teething, like a mad-man. His little molars are coming in strong :(. So I headed into the kitchen and prepared some of his favorite grape flavored Motrin and gave that to him. Within 15 minutes or so, he was passed out cold. My poor little sweetie.
Last night we had to make some treats for Hunter to take to daycare for "Easter". I was unsure of what to make, I researched so many adorable things that I could have done but let's face it. WHen I get home from work, I want nothing more than to hug Hunter, make dinner, clean up dinner, have bathtime and then take a few minutes to play/read/watch blues clues etc, I really don't feel like creating a masterpiece. So I found these cute little cupcakes that looked pretty painless. They turned out pretty cute. My favorite part about this, was that there was enough batter left to fill one of my "mini cupcake" pans. I put these in after I was done w/ the big ones and then after they cooled, I dabbed just a little bit of leftover green frosting on them. Then I had Hunter, the best helper ever, pull his little chair up to the counter and see if he would try to mimic what I did with the big cupcakes. Sure enough (after he ate like 20 jelly beans) he started to place one on each little mini cupcake. HOW ADORABLE. I was so surprised at how careful he was being, and it warmed my heart that he was so proud of his little creations.
I am running on few hours of sleep this morning, so please excuse me if I skip from thing to thing (what else is new). Last night Hunter kept waking up and just whine/crying. It wasn't a full out cry, and usually when he DOES do that, he will try to tell us he needs something... binky, blankie, "more" (which means juice/water), blues clues, etc. Typically, we'll retrieve the item, give it to him and that's the last we hear of it. Last night however, was very different. He would whine, and then toss around, then whine again and do this terribly sad little cry. So, after we realized something is bothering the poor little guy, we flipped on the lights and tried numerous things. First, we gave him some water, thinking maybe his throat was dry. That didn't work. Then we tried changing him (he wasn't that wet but hey, why not). Still whining. Then we undress him and Trevor checks him (I guess to make sure he didn't have any kind of rash?) while I checked out his pajama's to make sure nothing was poking him. Still nothing. Then we take a look at the sheet, and it is completely wet up by where he lays his head. It was drool none the less. So a little lightbulb went off and realized he is teething, like a mad-man. His little molars are coming in strong :(. So I headed into the kitchen and prepared some of his favorite grape flavored Motrin and gave that to him. Within 15 minutes or so, he was passed out cold. My poor little sweetie.
Last night we had to make some treats for Hunter to take to daycare for "Easter". I was unsure of what to make, I researched so many adorable things that I could have done but let's face it. WHen I get home from work, I want nothing more than to hug Hunter, make dinner, clean up dinner, have bathtime and then take a few minutes to play/read/watch blues clues etc, I really don't feel like creating a masterpiece. So I found these cute little cupcakes that looked pretty painless. They turned out pretty cute. My favorite part about this, was that there was enough batter left to fill one of my "mini cupcake" pans. I put these in after I was done w/ the big ones and then after they cooled, I dabbed just a little bit of leftover green frosting on them. Then I had Hunter, the best helper ever, pull his little chair up to the counter and see if he would try to mimic what I did with the big cupcakes. Sure enough (after he ate like 20 jelly beans) he started to place one on each little mini cupcake. HOW ADORABLE. I was so surprised at how careful he was being, and it warmed my heart that he was so proud of his little creations.

I'm really excited about Easter this year. The bunny got him some cute stuff-candy, pj's, some bathtub crayons (his latest obsession are crayons, he colors on EVERYTHING), and a cute little chocolate scented bunny that I may be more in love with than he will be. But I'm excited this year because he will actually enjoy the idea behind it. Last year, he just tried to eat the grass inside the basket, and wasn't too concerned with the items in it. I think this year, he will be a little more interested :).
Here's to the next 4 weekends being busy, and our wedding one month away!
Happy Friday :)
Here's to the next 4 weekends being busy, and our wedding one month away!
Happy Friday :)
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