Easter was fun this year. We did a little mini egg hunt for Hunter, he loved it! His basket was full of goodies, in fact I'm still finding little starburst jelly beans all over the house. Awesome.

We made little treats for daycare... and this time Hunter actually helped...

We made little treats for daycare... and this time Hunter actually helped...
Love it.
The next weekend I celebrated the final stretch into married life with my Bachelorette party (parties?). Friday night, we went to dinner at Sticky Lips (one of my fav local joints) and had a few drinks. It was a lot of fun, although I can safely say my mom and my bff's mom are two peas in a pod. It was a great night.
Saturday, Hunter and I work up around 10:00 and headed out to Heniretta by 11:00. We first picked up Devon (who was dropping off her dog at her Mom's house), then swung by Amanda's house. Amanda's sister was watching Hunter for the night, so we left him to a fun night filled with Jakie's (dogs), snacks and Blue's Clues. Then Devon, Amanda and I took off for Buffalo. We got to Liz's about an hour later, and quickly settled. Then the 4 of us took off to visit some wineries up near Niagara Falls. It was such a beautiful day for it, and the area was really pretty to visit. By the time we were done (we visited about 4 wineries), we were ready to head home and rest/eat before our big night out. We stopped at Wegmans and grabbed the most random spread of Sushi, Munchos, Heath Bar Cookies, and pasta. Totally random, but the perfect filler until Dinner. We relaxed for a few hours, watched some friends, took a little nap, and then by about 8:00 we were ready to start getting ready!

Mike was generous enough to be our drop-off, and he let us out on Chippewa Street which is a strip in Buffalo that is filled with bars and restaurants. We decided to eat dinner at a place called the Chocolate Bar. It was pretty packed when we got there so we took a seat at the bar and ordered some delcious martinis. I got Wedding Cake, and found it not only "fitting" but delicious as well. Once we were called up to our table though, we were starving and although the food took a while to get to us. I would definately go back there.
After the food, we visited a bunch of bars, and I had a great time. I was completely spoiled the entire trip and am extremley grateful :). I had the best time, and wouldn't have traded any of it!
This past weekend was a busy one also. Hunter and I drove down to Bradford for my little sister's first birthday party! They grew up so fast, and just keep getting cuter everyday. Hunter loved having other kids to play with and although he's not down with the "sharing" aspect of life, was a pretty good sport considering the lengthy ride.
Sunday was Mommy's day and was a great one for me :). I got my favorite breakfast made for me (Egg white breakfast sandwiches, homefries and a lemon bar. What a lovely way to start out the day. I spent the rest of the day relaxing, playing with Hunter and just watching movies. Then for dinner, (trevor had to work at 4) I met my Mom and Joey at Biaggis for a delicious dinner. It was amazing and it was a great finisher to the day. I'm extremly grateful for the great family/friends I have ....
Did I mention I'm getting married in 12 days....
Did I mention I'm getting married in 12 days....
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