This past weekend was a pretty busy one. Friday night we went over to Cindy’s (Trevor’s Mom) house and had a big dinner. I got to meet Trevor’s cousin Kelly who was in town for a visit (considering the party was in honor of her arrival!). That was fun, it’s always nice to get together and see everyone. Soooo much delicious food and for dessert, cookie sandwiches that were AWESOME, made by our very own Martha Stewart (Heather). Of course add into the mix a “couple” glasses of wine, an adorable 2 year old whose favorite activity is BONKING people on the nose, and one happy dragon and you’ve got a great Friday Night!

The whole crew
Picture from Heather
Saturday was Garage Sale day! All week at work, (in my free time of course), I searched for sales in the area and then figured out the best route via map quest so I could get the most out of my Saturday morning. Yes, I am a complete geek, but there’s something about looking through other people’s leftovers that puts a smile on my face. Of course, I enlisted Hunter’s help as a cute decoy to distract the old ladies from stealing all the good stuff. We started out our morning surprisingly right on schedule. Hunter with a bottle, me with 3 cups of coffee.
Trevor left for a day of golf with Kansas and my brother Kyle, and Hunter and I took off. Our first destination was Fairport, so we went to a couple there, found some clothes for Paige and a couple cute books for Hunter. Then we stopped at another sale and I bought a nice poker set for Trevor & a book of beer drinking games and an adorable wooden standing pumpkin decoration. (Talk about random, this is why I get so excited!). After that, my mom calls and says she is at my apartment stopping into say hello. So I go pick her up and enlist her help as well.
All in all, I’d say it was a pretty good Saturday morning. I got a lot of fun stuff, and only spent $30!
Then we went to the mall in Victor “to eat lunch” and I of course went overboard buying 6 Month clothes at JC Penny’s. I can’t help it, the little boys clothes are so cute! There is nothing better than a little shirt that says “Rascally Racoon” on it.
Later that night, Trevor, Hunter and I went to Applebees with our other son “Kansas/aka Mike”. It was fun, I had the WW Garlic Herb Chicken which was awesome and of course Trevor, being predictable as always got the same thing he’s been getting since we started dating over 2 years ago…The chicken fajita rollup. I really should give that a shot to see what the big deal is, it must have something special about it since he orders it EVERY single time. Hehe. Later that night we just hung out and watched “Miss March”, which was your typical high school boys go on crazy-sex filled-road trip to get a girl. It did have some funny parts to it though, I’ll admit, it was worth the whole dollar I spent on it. Ah, gotta love Redbox.
Sunday afternoon we went to my Aunt Chris & Uncle Jeff’s house (Dad’s side) in Fairport for dinner. It was fun, I got to see my Grandparents (who live in Florida half the year), and my twin cousins –Ryan and Jennifer who are going into 8th grade this year!! I can’t even believe how fast time flies. We had steak (YUM), corn and potato salad that my Grandma made, awesome. It was a good time. After that, we came home and it was pretty much time for bed.
Oh Monday. You’ve come too soon.