This past weekend was very eventful to say the least. Trevor was away at drill in Buffalo (if it seems like he is gone more frequently now, that's because he IS, as they are getting ready to deploy in a year). Friday night I had Amanda and Delaney over to take a look at the new house. I think they liked it! Of course, it's still not in perfect shape yet. The only (2) rooms that need to be painted are the bathroom (which was a hideous bright shade of green), and Hunter's room (nothing was really wrong w/ it, I just like color in kids rooms!).
After work Friday, we took a trip to Home Depot in Victor to look for a microwave, paint, and some random things. I ended up finding (2) rugs also, (one for the the living room and one for Hunter's room). Afterwards, we stopped at the *egh hem* liquor store, to get a couple bottles of wine. Shortly after we got home, Hunter had his bath and was ready for bed. Once he was down, we turned on some music and opened up a bottle of wine. I hadn't unpacked the corkscrew yet, but Delaney was able to rig up the bottle and pull the cork out. That's talent. We started out by painting the bathroom. Amanda with the trim, and myself w/ the roller while Delaney provided us with various eras of dance music. Once we got that underway it went very quickly! I think this is largely because half of the wall is white tile, so it makes for an easy "fix up". I'll post pics of the finished product along w/ some photos of the house soon.
After work Friday, we took a trip to Home Depot in Victor to look for a microwave, paint, and some random things. I ended up finding (2) rugs also, (one for the the living room and one for Hunter's room). Afterwards, we stopped at the *egh hem* liquor store, to get a couple bottles of wine. Shortly after we got home, Hunter had his bath and was ready for bed. Once he was down, we turned on some music and opened up a bottle of wine. I hadn't unpacked the corkscrew yet, but Delaney was able to rig up the bottle and pull the cork out. That's talent. We started out by painting the bathroom. Amanda with the trim, and myself w/ the roller while Delaney provided us with various eras of dance music. Once we got that underway it went very quickly! I think this is largely because half of the wall is white tile, so it makes for an easy "fix up". I'll post pics of the finished product along w/ some photos of the house soon.
After the painting was done, we continued to clean and move boxes, put things away (the kitchen was the "hot spot" because coincidentally those were a majority of the boxes we had brought from storage. We got a lot done, and picked up, so the house is ready for the next load from storage.
Saturday morning I woke up to find a text message from Trevor's sister Heather with a very exciting message that said "It's a Girl!", and then the babies birth stats and a picture. They named her Nora Grace, such a pretty name! I was very excited for them but also still a little shocked that it went so quickly. Come to find out Heather started going into labor around 10:00 pm Friday night, and had her by 3:29 am Saturday morning. We are very happy for them! It was unfortunate that Trevor was away, but we were planning on going back to visit on Sunday when he got home. Saturday after feeding Hunter, and getting him ready, he and I headed out to the Hospital to visit his new baby cousin. We brought along the bills outfit that "Hunter" bought for his cousin a while back. Gotta keep those Bills fans in the family! She was so tiny in person, and super cute.
Here' s a quick sneak peak (I stole it from Heather).

Isn't she adorable??
Here' s a quick sneak peak (I stole it from Heather).

Isn't she adorable??
Trevor's Dad Chuck was up from Virginia to see the baby, so Hunter go to see him as well. It was so sweet because he went right over and hugged him. We stayed for a few hours, and then decided to head back to the mall area to wait for a little bit because Trevor's Dad was going to take Hunter, Tyler (Trevor's twin brother) and I to Champs for dinner. While Chuck went back to his hotel to nap/shower, and Tyler was getting out of work, Hunter and I went to Target to kill time. We did some grocery shopping, and Hunter got some pants and socks. Shortly after we were done, we met Chuck and Tyler at Champs and had a great dinner. Hunter and I took off for home after, did some cleaning, put away groceries and then both crashed.
Sunday, Trevor came home in the afternoon and we headed out to the Hospital so he could meet his new niece. We visited with the new parents, and Chuck, and Tyler & Marie were there also. We were all watching the Bills game in the hospital room, so you could tell where the "rowdy" room was. I got to hold the little one, she was so adorable. They were able to go on Monday, so they are home and doing well I assume! Trevor and I had taken another load from storage after we visited the hospital, so we were busy Sunday night unpacking and organizing. We put up some shelves in the living room and hung some pictures. Slowly but surely folks!
We have another busy weekend ahead of us, I just can't wait until the moving is over!
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