Saturday morning Trevor, Amanda, Hunter and I decided to check out the Canandaigua Farmers Market. Its less than 10 miles away, and I wanted to grab some veggies before the end of the season. I ended up finding a good amount of stuff, although the market is very small. Hunter had fun petting Abby, the "Farmer Market Greeter" (a dog). We got back home, and did some more unpacking/straightening up as we were going to have some people over later for a little "get together". I got the first set of Hunter's wall decals in the mail, so I put those up. I'll wait until I receive the other set before I post pics of the final product. They look great though! Later in the afternoon, my Dad and his wife Angela stopped over w/ the girls. I have to remember to pull my camera out of whatever box it's packed in for next time they come over, but just for a few snaps of cuteness, here is Ariel smiling at Amanda. And Arianna being held by Amanda. Awww.

They are adorable, and getting so big. It's hard to believe Hunter was ever that small, he seems like a giant compared to them!
After they headed home, we made some dinner. We had Chicken & Eggplant Parm. It was delicious! It's so nice to be able to cook again. After that, we got ready for the party. Hunter got his bath and jammies on, and fell asleep fairly early. Then the people started arriving. Trevor, Amanda and I, Delaney (Amanda's Sister), my Brother Kyle, My cousin Taylor, Our friends Devon, Al and Kansas. It wasn't a huge party by any means, but it was a nice way to kick off the first "real weekend" in the house. We played games, and had a good time! I should point out that the basement (although a work in progress) is a very acceptable "rec room". It even has a bar in it. (an added bonus if you ask me!). That'll be the room that takes a little cleaning, and adjusting and it will make for a nice hang out.
After they headed home, we made some dinner. We had Chicken & Eggplant Parm. It was delicious! It's so nice to be able to cook again. After that, we got ready for the party. Hunter got his bath and jammies on, and fell asleep fairly early. Then the people started arriving. Trevor, Amanda and I, Delaney (Amanda's Sister), my Brother Kyle, My cousin Taylor, Our friends Devon, Al and Kansas. It wasn't a huge party by any means, but it was a nice way to kick off the first "real weekend" in the house. We played games, and had a good time! I should point out that the basement (although a work in progress) is a very acceptable "rec room". It even has a bar in it. (an added bonus if you ask me!). That'll be the room that takes a little cleaning, and adjusting and it will make for a nice hang out.
Sunday was a pretty chill day. Trevor, Kansas and I got the rest of our stuff out of storage, while Hunter hung out w/ Amanda and Delaney. Then we (Trevor, Amanda, Delaney, Hunter and I) all got back together for some delicious Turkey Reuben Sandwiches and Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup. We were also joined by my Aunt Shelly and Cousin Tara! It was great to see them, and it's even better because we live that much closer now! All in all i'd say a very successful weekend. Looking forward to the next one!
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