Let me start by pointing out that I am terrible at the picture taking aspect.
First of all, I never really got a true "before" picture, as I realized afterwards. So sorry on that one! For a visual, his walls were 100% white when we moved in. It's hard to explain so hopefully the pics do it justice. Two of his walls are completely light blue. These are the ones that are supposed to be "the sky". I bought the decals on Etsy.com. As soon as I put them on the walls, I fell in love. This is the finished product ....

For some reason, I didn't manage to capture a pic of the "curtain area", but the planes go across the top. We bought just simple Navy Blue curtains, to match the area rug.
The other two walls are a little less than half tan, and the remainder white. The logic behind this is a "dirt-like" feel. Here is a before of the wall (after I painted of course). Looks kinda strange without the decals right?

That same wall after!!

That wall continued...to the other side of the room. The closet...

A close up of the "other" wall...

The walls are finished for the most part. I have a few more things I need to hang, but nothing too crazy. The only thing we are still "missing" as far as his room goes is his toddler bed. We didn't want to set his crib up, as has made it a point to try and "escape" everytime we turn our backs. With that being said, we got the approval from our pediatrician to try a toddler bed. (I think I already talked about this, excuse me if I sound like a broken record). For now, we have been "testing" him out. We have his mattress, and "box spring" on the ground in our room (which is the only part of the house that's carpeted.) We put it in there first to see what he does when he wakes up. I thought he would be okay in the new situation, but I still wanted to be 100% before we put him in a new room, etc. He's been doing great! If he wakes up crying, he'll get out of bed just like normal and walk over to our bed.
Of course things will be different when he's "alone", but we do have the monitors so we can go comfort him if he does wake up. To me, the most important part was the "safety" aspect. Will he roll off the bed? (Even though we are talking less than a 12 inch drop). Our house is a ranch-style, (with the exception of the basement), so we don't have to worry about him trying to climb or go down stairs. Hopefully he'll adjust well!
awesome job