Friday, April 22, 2011


Happy Good Friday everyone!

I am running on few hours of sleep this morning, so please excuse me if I skip from thing to thing (what else is new). Last night Hunter kept waking up and just whine/crying. It wasn't a full out cry, and usually when he DOES do that, he will try to tell us he needs something... binky, blankie, "more" (which means juice/water), blues clues, etc. Typically, we'll retrieve the item, give it to him and that's the last we hear of it. Last night however, was very different. He would whine, and then toss around, then whine again and do this terribly sad little cry. So, after we realized something is bothering the poor little guy, we flipped on the lights and tried numerous things. First, we gave him some water, thinking maybe his throat was dry. That didn't work. Then we tried changing him (he wasn't that wet but hey, why not). Still whining. Then we undress him and Trevor checks him (I guess to make sure he didn't have any kind of rash?) while I checked out his pajama's to make sure nothing was poking him. Still nothing. Then we take a look at the sheet, and it is completely wet up by where he lays his head. It was drool none the less. So a little lightbulb went off and realized he is teething, like a mad-man. His little molars are coming in strong :(. So I headed into the kitchen and prepared some of his favorite grape flavored Motrin and gave that to him. Within 15 minutes or so, he was passed out cold. My poor little sweetie.

Last night we had to make some treats for Hunter to take to daycare for "Easter". I was unsure of what to make, I researched so many adorable things that I could have done but let's face it. WHen I get home from work, I want nothing more than to hug Hunter, make dinner, clean up dinner, have bathtime and then take a few minutes to play/read/watch blues clues etc, I really don't feel like creating a masterpiece. So I found these cute little cupcakes that looked pretty painless. They turned out pretty cute. My favorite part about this, was that there was enough batter left to fill one of my "mini cupcake" pans. I put these in after I was done w/ the big ones and then after they cooled, I dabbed just a little bit of leftover green frosting on them. Then I had Hunter, the best helper ever, pull his little chair up to the counter and see if he would try to mimic what I did with the big cupcakes. Sure enough (after he ate like 20 jelly beans) he started to place one on each little mini cupcake. HOW ADORABLE. I was so surprised at how careful he was being, and it warmed my heart that he was so proud of his little creations.

I'm really excited about Easter this year. The bunny got him some cute stuff-candy, pj's, some bathtub crayons (his latest obsession are crayons, he colors on EVERYTHING), and a cute little chocolate scented bunny that I may be more in love with than he will be. But I'm excited this year because he will actually enjoy the idea behind it. Last year, he just tried to eat the grass inside the basket, and wasn't too concerned with the items in it. I think this year, he will be a little more interested :).

Here's to the next 4 weekends being busy, and our wedding one month away!

Happy Friday :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Details, Details...

Lots of random stuff to update!

First, this past Sunday Trevor and I met with our photographer who is actually an old friend of mine from high school (different schools/mutual friends). Let me tell you, I'm so excited to be able to work with her! After chatting about "what kind of shots we want", etc. it sounds like we are on the exact same page. She also did a few "test" shots for us so we could get used to how she works. Of course, Trevor and I being the akward people we are, were not used to being followed and therefore we didn't give her much to work with. Throw in the windiest day ever (60 mph range, this was SUNDAY people), a wandering 2 year old and some frigid weather and what do you get? Two people with chattering teeth & not so cute jackets on, one with crazy windblown hair and the other with wandering eyes (to ensure Hunter wasn't jumping in the water).

We did capture a few that I didn't mind...

In other wedding news, we are getting the final details all wrapped up-we are finally breaking ground with Hurd and managed to squeeze menu options, rehearsal times/details, and nail down a date to go pick out our ceremony location/flowers/cake. I'm really excited and rather relieved to be getting these details taken care of.

We also met our DJ last week, and he is great! So down to earth and we are completely on the same page with music choices (aka no macarena or chicken dance).

I have my dress fitting next Thursday and I'm so excited to put on my dress again :). I want to see if the magic is still there from when I first tried it on...Let's cross our fingers. Another exciting thing that's coming up is my Bachelorette party! Woo hoo! We are going to have dinner at one of my fav. restaurants (Sticky Lips) and just eat, drink and party it up! Then Saturday, we are heading up to my friend Liz's for a night out. We'll probably head over to my favorite winery "Niagara Landing", do some tastings and some buying then head back to Liz's to hang out until later that night when we'll get all dressed up for dinner and then downtown! It's been a while since I've done something like this and I'm really excited to be able to have a "last night out" :).

I'm really excited about this weekned. Friday, we are going to try out this adorable little restaurant that we found while we were on a walk with Hunter last weeknd. It's tucked away by the railroad tracks and is a little boxcar (family restaurant) that has awesome decor inside (1900's vintage train and early 1900's baseball). I can't wait to try it out! Saturday my friend from work who used to work for lancome is coming over for our makeup trial! Pretty exciting. And of course Sunday is Easter. We'll end up going over to Trevor's Mom's house for brunch & then Hunter and I will head over to my Mom's house to have dinner with her, while Trevor heads to work.

More to come soon, but here's a little somethin' to hold you over until then...

Friday, April 8, 2011

A beautiful day!

This past Sunday was my bridal shower, thrown for me by my lovely bridesmaids. I couldn't have asked for a better day-The sun was shining and "springy-feeling" and to spend it with some of my favorite people was just great! I'll spare you all the cheese but let's just say everything was beyond what I anticipated...The food was amazing, the drinks were phenominal (lime vodka punch & mimosas? Yes please!) and I got soo many lovely things that I can't wait to get set up in my house. I just want to say (if any of you read this) that it was the best day. I enjoyed every moment of it, and I'm so glad that you all get to join me on the big day :o).

Small photo op-

All of the ladies that made this day possible! Please excuse the fact that I am blocking my MOH.

My BFFy since birth!

Some of my favorite ladies!

Some beautiful flowers :)

The amazing cupcakes that Heather made! Yes, they tasted as good as they looked!

To sum it up, it was a great day and I'm so grateful to have so many people in my life that care that much about me .. I'm a lucky girl ;)

A little wedding update in general.. we arein really great shape. I have numerous appointments this month (with the DJ, the photographer, the ladies @ Hurd Orchards (to discuss menu items, etc), my dress fitting, my tattoo touch up. My planner is packed to the max! I feel really good though about everything coming together so nicely. I am really excited for the big day.

Next up-Easter & the Bachelorette Party (those shouldn't be side by side should they?)

Soo excited that it's getting nicer out too! We are making some chicken on the grill tonight and having some friends over, should be a good weekend.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


To say it's been a busy week is an understatement. It took everything I had to actually get up this morning and go to work. One of the reasons it was so difficult to get movin' is that I've been out of work since last Wednesday. My Great Grandma passed away early Wednesday morning, and when I called my boss to let him know I wouldn't be in that day, he suggested I take the full 3 days of Bereavment that Paychex offers. Honestly, it sounded like a good idea to me, as I was already exhausted from the previous weekend/beginning of the week from the frequent ICU hospital visits to my great grandma.
So I enjoyed those 3 days, relaxing with Hunter, getting some housework done I've been meaning to do, and spending time with my Family. Then this weekend, we had the calling hours Saturday evening and then I spent the night at my Mom's house Saturday night, so I would already be in Penfield for my Bridal Shower which was Sunday.
I will post on the shower in a separate post (as I want to include pictures, etc.) but it was beautiful. My bridesmaid's did a wonderful job and everything was exactly how I would have wanted it. It's also an indication that the wedding is that much closer. I still have some odds and ends to tie up that I'll be taking care of this week, but I am getting really excited. More to come!
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