Saturday we "attempted" to have a yard sale. I had a bunch of random things that were cluttering up the house, as well as a ton of clothes I never wore anymore. Amanda had a bunch of clothes and other things as well, so we figured we'd try to make some money. Well, we were sadly mistaken. Not only is it out of prime garage sale season, but we also set it up on a side street in smalltown Shortsville, NY. To give you a better idea of the kind of customers we had; an old-SMOKING man, who asked where all the tools were, attempted to buy one of our old Halloween Costumes for his 6-year old grand-daughter (until we informed him that it wasn't dorothy.. it was slutty dorothy), and wanted to use Amanda's old Sarong for a "tablecloth". The next guy was just a driveby asking "How much for the motorcycle?". Oops. I guess he thought Trevor's motorcycle was part of the sale. I almost yelled "What will you give me for it?", but I remembered how much I like Trevor as my boyfriend. Needless to say, I made about $15, only because I sold 2 microwave carts, and Amanda made .50. A success I tell you!
Saturday afternoon, Amanda's Mom stopped over to check out the house. Shortly after (and completely unplanned/related) Amanda's Dad stopped over because he bought Hunter a big boy bed. For those of you who don't know Scott, he is a VERY generous guy. He does stuff like this all the time. He's the best "other grandpa" Hunter could have asked for! Here's a pic of the bed! *sooo cute*.

Later on Saturday we decided to go to the Apple Farm (me, hunter, amanda, delaney and their mom). We rode the wagon (hunter loved it), and then picked some delicious apples!

I think he had a good time, he also loved the cider and homemade donuts we had afterward! Yum!
Sunday we had a busy day, Hunter and I went down to Bradford (about an hour south of here), for my sister's baptism. The baptism was held in a little church at the end of my Dad's road. It was a nice ceremoney, although I felt bad because Hunter wasn't in the sitting mood. He wanted to run.. Luckily there was another little guy there who felt the same way! After the ceremony we went back to some of their relatives house for some food.
After that, Hunter and I headed home, Hunter fell asleep almost immediately, but I enjoyed the beautiful fall foliage along Keuka lake. Very pretty around this time of year! Hunter and I cooked some steak, potatoes and alfredo for Trevor, as he had been at drill all weekend. We watched "Get him to the Greek". We've both saw it over the summer at the Drive-In, but it was pretty funny so I rented it again.
I also made some little changes to Hunter's room. I'll post those pics later! Have a happy Monday everyone!
And your sisters enjoyed having you and their one year older nephew there too. Glad you could join us and meet my new family in law.
It was great to be there! Such a pretty drive... Your new inlaws are very nice!!