It's a cell phone shot, so it's not the best quality, but you get the idea. He looooves to give kisses, and was not shy about sharing w/ his new baby cousin. Afterwards, we headed home, but not before stopping to pick up our *new to us* poker table. My friend from work Tiffany had a poker table she no longer used, and asked us if we wanted it now that we have room (in the basement). We said sure!! I don't play much poker, but it's flat, so it could be a good "game" table also!

When we got home, Hunter and I crashed, while Trevor and Kansas stayed up to
Saturday morning we got up and I began a cleaning frenzy. I cleaned the heck out of that house, top to bottom, in and out. What was helpful, is that Amanda's Dad Scott and her Sister Tessa, wanted to take Hunter to the Strong Museum of Play during the day. I said sure! I had a ton of cleaning, and errands to do, so it wouldn't have been a fun day for Hunter at all. He had a blast at the Museum! He came home sleepy, so he fell asleep pretty early Saturday. That night, we had a celebration for Trevor's birthday. We had some friends and family over to play games, eat pizza and have a good time!

Sunday, we laid low, enjoyed our new cable (yay!), and cleaned up a bit from the party. Trevor had to go into work, so Hunter and I just had dinner by ourselves, and took a walk. All in all, a great weekend. Up next-Marie & Tyler's Wedding which is this Saturday. I'm in the bridal party so i'm pretty excited! Rehearsal dinner Friday night, Wedding Saturday! Fun weekend ahead... :)
Oh yeah, and Hunter got a haircut too! He looks like a big boy now...

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