Friday, October 22, 2010

Fun Fridays! "If I had a million dollars...."

If I had a million dollars...5 things I would do first...

1.) Pay off all my remaining debt. Credit Cards, Car payments, Anything I've had intentions to pay, but haven't had the resources to do so.

2.) Put aside money for Hunter Charles' college. A dream for me would be to have him avoid any college loans, as I am just seeing now what a pain in the @ss they are to pay back.

3.) Pay off Trevor's Bills. It would be nice for both of us, to no longer have car payments, and credit card debt looming over our heads. In the real world, money puts a strain on most relationships, and it would just be nice to greet each other every single day w/ "hey sweetie how was your day" instead of "did you remember to pay daycare.?"

4.) Don't judge me-but I would go shopping. HUGE grocery shopping, whole new wardrobe, endless toys for Dragon... I love to shop (my biggest downfall i'de say), so to actually have a little money would be nice.

5.) Donate. I'd participate in more fundraisers, and donation type activities year round. The only thing I currently do is the Hillside Secret Santa program. I would enjoy making a difference and being able to help others (especially kids!).


  1. You may not have money but what you do have is love. And Love is the most important thing in this world. Love cannot pay your bills or put food on the table but Love truely is the most wonderful part of life. And you are a very Loving woman. So I believe you are very RICH.

  2. Aww thanks Dad! lol, I know there are more important things, and for that I am very grateful :)


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