Super excited about the purchase I just made! I have been searching around for the past month for the perfect pair of "casual" boots. I have many pairs of dress shoes/boots for work but they don't quite cut it for the weekend attire. It's difficult for me to find something once I get an "idea" in my head. So, what I was picturing is some kind of work boot, but not quite as bulky. I'm not a fan of the "UGG" style boots, most of the time I find them sloppy. Plus, when it snows, at least the knock off's I've always owned, the water soaks right in. A couple weeks before this, I purchased a pair of "cow-boy" like boots from Target. However, they aren't good for ALL outfits, only the dressier ones. So it left me in the predicament to keep searching. Well, I happen to be at Famous Footwear on my lunch break and saw these bad boys...

Wow! This is exactly what I was looking for, very casual not too dressy...and the perfect color (it matches my tan fall coat). Being the bargain shopper I am though, I wasn't about to settle for the price. I went back to work and googled the make/model of the shoes (which are Sketchers Lunacy Palomar) and various places/prices. Well, i'm glad I did! Good old Amazon.Com (Free-shipping wonderland...) had them for $45 cheaper. I kid you not. And, the best part... The ones I originally saw in Famous Footwear were about Knee high (completely not necessary) so it was even better that these were the "ankle height" version. They are perfect for me! I felt like I should share in my happiness that these are on their way.
I also found Hunter a cutie pair of boots from Target. Now we kind of match :). We are officially set for fall...
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