Friday night after work, I ran to pick up Hunter and we met my team for what was supposed to be a "Happy Hour". Typically, our Team HH's are exactly what it sounds like-fun, drinking, and team bonding. Well, this one was a little different. We set the date, but being the "go-getters" that we are-Crystal *one of my teammates* and I didn't find sitters for the little guys. (Her son DJ is turning 3 in Decemeber and sooo adorable). We decided to make this a kid-friendly team dinner instead! We chose the Distillery in Victor because it's family friendly, but still has great beer selections for those on the team that didn't have to cart a little one home w/ them. It ended up being a good turnout. 8/people on a team of 12 isn't too shabby if you ask me ;). Another fun surpise was that one of our teammates Aaron brought his 2 little ones (14 months and 3), so it was the perfect match up. I didn't get any good pics because it's extremley dark in this restaurant, but here's the best I could do...

Hunter and his new buddy Liam. It was a good time! The food was delicious, and it was fun to switch things up and have a team event to show off the kids :).
Saturday we were pretty lazy in the morning. Hunter and I did some housework while Trevor went hunting. Later in the day, Hunter and I headed over to my Grandparents house to visit w/ my Dad, Angela and my two little sisters. It's always good to see them as they live pretty far away. Hunter was of course running around like a mad-man and it's always difficult when we visit people with non-childproofed houses. Luckily Hunter didn't break anything. I had a great time hanging out w/ my beautiful little sisters. They are full of smiles now and getting to the age where they are fun! Aren't they the cutest?

Arianna and I
I left my grandparents after Hunter had a chance to eat so we could meet Amanda (who was coming over to hang out). We ended up just meeting at the Mall because I had to exchange some Hunter clothes that I bought, for larger sizes. We walked around the Mall for a bit, did some window shopping. I bought the cutest sign that said "Hunter's Hide Away". Of course, it truely means hunters, not MY hunter but it fits my decor perfectly. We met up w/ Trevor's Mom real quick because she had gotten Hunter's Halloween costume for us. He's going to be a puppy this year. It looked so cute on him, it'll just be a battle to have him keep the hood on.After we left the mall, Hunter passed out and we dropped him off for Trevor (who was finally) home to put down for bed. Amanda and I went into Canandaigua to grab some dinner & snacks for all of us at Wegmans. We also rented "Remember Me", but never ended up finishing it. It was a fun night though!
Sunday I woke up with the worst stomach ache. I felt like crap. Truthfully I think I may have gotten food poisoning (I had Chicken French ... Not too tricky I thought?). I slept most of the day. We did take Hunter to the Pumpkin Patch about 15 minutes from our house. I had to struggle through (i'm tellin' ya.. it was not pretty...), but he had a fun time and the place was so cute! They had a small petting zoo area, a train, a corn trail, a hay-maze, plenty of pumpkins and a bounce house! Next year Hunter will really get into it i'm sure...This year, he just enjoyed being able to run.

Hunter & Dad


He sat so well in the wagon, I'll admit I was little surprised...

He loved holding onto his Pumpkin

Following Dad through the Corn Trail
We took a bunch of pics but this gives you the general idea. We ended up getting 3 pumpkins, and we will carve them next weekend. When we got home, I took a nap (it's a good thing I rarely get sick, because when I am, I'm down for the count). I felt a little better when I woke up, so I cooked dinner (just some Chicken, Fettucini Parmesan and mashed potatoes). After cleaning up, Hunter and I baked some Chocolate Chip Cookies, and then it was time for bed!
Next weekend is Halloween, very excited for Hunter this year. The only downfall to this coming week is that Hunter gets his surgery Friday. :(. We both have the day off, but I am still very nervous for him...
Awesome Blog!!! Thanks for coming over Saturday. I am sorry you were so sick Sunday. I am glad you got to go to that pumpkin patch. I hope you were pleased with it other than being sick. Good luck Friday. I am sure all will go well. We love you.