What fun would Christmas be without some delicious home-made treats? I think it is a very personal gift to give around the holidays. I started out by making the Earthquake Cookies I mentioned a few posts ago. They are soo unbelievably easy...and super tasty too! I whipped these up and put them in these cute little Santa & Snowman bags I bought last year after Christmas @ Michael's. All packaged up & ready for the office life.
Tonight we are going to be making this really cute little project I found online. It's called Reindeer Chow (you can Google "puppy chow" & that will give you the accurate recipe as well). A cute idea I found was to package up the "Reindeer Chow" and attach a little note to it.... (I'll post later when I have the finished product!). We needed something cute to give our daycare lady & a few other friends here at work. I thought it would be a creative, fun gift to give from Hunter. We'll see how it goes!
Today at work we have our Holiday Lunch @ Corporate. Yay :). This'll be year # 3 for me & I can safely say it's delicious and worth the excitement. Also, really excited that tomorrow is the last workday before Christmas.. and I get out 2 hours early. And lemme tell you-Having Christmas Eve off this year-a complete blessing. It's the first time in history that I'll be able to actually get ready for Christmas Eve rather than rush home & run all over the world. As I mentioned before, we do Christmas Eve with my Dad's side of the family so I am super excited to see my little sisters (oh yeah, and the rest of the family). Hope everyone's holidays are Merry & full of family, friends and good times.
...2 days until Christmas Eve!

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