Today was actually a rather relaxing Wednesday. Mostly because ... I stayed home all day with my dragon monster. The roads were horrible this morning, & my tires suck (for lack of a better word). I need 2 new tires like you would not believe. But, it's the holidays so they will have to wait. With that being said, I decided to cash in some sick time & spent the day cleaning, organizing & cuddling with my little guy. I got a lot of stuff done, namely cleaning out the guest room for our visitors this weekend.
Much to my excitement, my favorite little cousins Paige & Nate are coming over Friday after school (for them), work (for me) for a cookie baking-fun night! I haven't gotten to spend much time with them lately and since I was planning on baking up some treats anyways, I figured I'd enlist two little helpers. I've found some really delicious sounding cookie recipes that we are going to try out. We are also going to watch Shrek 4 (I've been kinda anxious to see it ;) ). It'll be a fun night, it works out well too because Trevor, Hunter and I have a Christmas party to go to on Saturday in Penfield so it's convenient for me to drop them off at their Dad's house (about 10 mins from where we are going). Lookin' forward to Friday!
One of the things I had to knock off my list tonight was sealing & addressing the Christmas cards. They arrived last week and have been sitting in their lovely orange Shutterfly box on the kitchen island. Now that we are nearing the end of the week before Christmas, I figure, it's probably time to send 'em out. Here's what my Wednesday night consists of.. Christmas cards, wine & ELF on TV.. love it!

Funny side note, yesterday we had pizza at work (it was super snowy & due to our office location-if it snows bad, no one can get up the hill, they advise us not to leave for lunch). I was going to make Pad Thai for dinner but it has peanut sauce and crushed up peanuts in it as part of the recipe. For now, Hunter's not allowed to have anything with peanuts in it, so I brought home 2 slices of pizza to warm up for him for dinner. I came home, set the tupperware container down on the coffee table and got caught up in something [hugging hunter, getting dinner started, etc.]. I had Trevor come into the kitchen with me to cut up the chicken (I absolutely despise touching raw chicken... yuck). All of a sudden we hear "MMMMMMM", from the living room. (Hunter's latest word). We both come into the living room to find him chompin' on the pizza.

Someone must have been hungry! I'm not even really sure how he got the top off of the tupperware container, or how he knew that there was food in there. He continues to surprise us everyday with his new words or actions.
Dear Hunter,
In the future, if you are hungry, just let Mommy & Daddy know and we will warm that pizza up, cut it up for you & get you a nice sippy cup of milk & a side of your favorite manderin oranges to go with it. But, if you can't seem to wait, have at it. We wont judge.
I just love him.

Much to my excitement, my favorite little cousins Paige & Nate are coming over Friday after school (for them), work (for me) for a cookie baking-fun night! I haven't gotten to spend much time with them lately and since I was planning on baking up some treats anyways, I figured I'd enlist two little helpers. I've found some really delicious sounding cookie recipes that we are going to try out. We are also going to watch Shrek 4 (I've been kinda anxious to see it ;) ). It'll be a fun night, it works out well too because Trevor, Hunter and I have a Christmas party to go to on Saturday in Penfield so it's convenient for me to drop them off at their Dad's house (about 10 mins from where we are going). Lookin' forward to Friday!
One of the things I had to knock off my list tonight was sealing & addressing the Christmas cards. They arrived last week and have been sitting in their lovely orange Shutterfly box on the kitchen island. Now that we are nearing the end of the week before Christmas, I figure, it's probably time to send 'em out. Here's what my Wednesday night consists of.. Christmas cards, wine & ELF on TV.. love it!
Funny side note, yesterday we had pizza at work (it was super snowy & due to our office location-if it snows bad, no one can get up the hill, they advise us not to leave for lunch). I was going to make Pad Thai for dinner but it has peanut sauce and crushed up peanuts in it as part of the recipe. For now, Hunter's not allowed to have anything with peanuts in it, so I brought home 2 slices of pizza to warm up for him for dinner. I came home, set the tupperware container down on the coffee table and got caught up in something [hugging hunter, getting dinner started, etc.]. I had Trevor come into the kitchen with me to cut up the chicken (I absolutely despise touching raw chicken... yuck). All of a sudden we hear "MMMMMMM", from the living room. (Hunter's latest word). We both come into the living room to find him chompin' on the pizza.
Someone must have been hungry! I'm not even really sure how he got the top off of the tupperware container, or how he knew that there was food in there. He continues to surprise us everyday with his new words or actions.
Dear Hunter,
In the future, if you are hungry, just let Mommy & Daddy know and we will warm that pizza up, cut it up for you & get you a nice sippy cup of milk & a side of your favorite manderin oranges to go with it. But, if you can't seem to wait, have at it. We wont judge.
I just love him.

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