Mom said I should write you a letter, so here goes. I have been a really good boy this year. Please disregard what you've heard about me "biting" kids at daycare. That was just a defense mechanism and I'm very sorry. Mostly, I am a good acting toddler. I eat when I'm supposed to, go to bed on time (unless I'm playing with Dad) and I like to gives hugs & kisses to anyone who asks. Here are some things I would like to get this year, so please pass this on to your elves....

Tractor PJ's..., I love snuggly pajamas with feet.

Thanks Santa for listening, I'm going to continue to be a good boy & I will be sure to bake lots of yummy cookies for you for Christmas Eve.
Hunter Charles

ho ho ho young man... santa shall see what he can do for you. Just remember that no matter what you get or don't will always be loved so very much.