Holiday Cards are complete! Yay! As I mentioned before, Shutterfly had a promotion going for bloggers-if you met the requirements you got
50 free holiday cards. Yes please! So, after some extremely difficult decision making, we finally chose a card we liked. Also, Heather (
who is the best, thanks again!!), sent us over the pic she took for us on Thanksgiving, all edited nicely :). Needless to say, it was a much better photo then last year. Let's just say Trevor and I can't take a "nice" picture together for the life of us. Last years was awful creepy looking... so we ended up just using an adorable one of Hunter Charles that Heather took instead.
Well, I think this years turned out alright...

Can't wait to get them in the mail! Thanks Shutterfly!
It is so super Christmas-sy out right now, crazy snow storm. Tonight will be a cozy Mommy-Dragon night as Trevor's working. A fireplace, Popcorn & a Disney movie? Okay!
awesome card. We can't wait to get ours. Great picture. Nice job