Where to even begin?? This past weekend was an eventful one! As you all know, Marie & Tyler got married! I'll start off by saying congrats to the couple, and thanks for letting me part of your special day. I think I can speak for Trevor and I both in saying we had a blast!
Friday night we had the rehearsal at the church, and dinner afterwards. We brought Hunter with us, and he was everywhere. Little guy wont slow down! Luckily, the church was cozy enough so we shut the outside doors and just let him run free! His favorite thing was stepping up, and down the stairs. (and of course dancing every time music came on!). All in all, it went well.
We were all starving afterward though, and looking forward to dinner! Unfortunately when we got there, they didn't seat us right away because of some issue so we hung out in the main area for a while and chatted. Luckily Hunter was a good boy during dinner. He ate Chicken French like no ones business! The food was really good, and it didn't hurt that it was "open bar" for wine/beer. We also got our gifts from Tyler and Marie. The girls got a personalized bag w/ pics of us and bride/groom, and other friends and family. Inside was a pair of flip flops, aka "our dancing shoes", our jewelery that Marie had made for us (beautiful!) -a pair of earrings and a necklass, and cutest of all.... a little Vera Bradley wrislet that matched our dresses! Inside was all the "essentials" for a wedding, hairspray, tissues (with a K on them!), mints, etc. The gifts were very well thought out, and the purse is adorable!
Saturday I was up bright and early. Trevor spent the night w/ his brother and some of the groomsmen, so he was already gone. I woke up before Hunter did and started getting ready. My friend Amanda came over to help me w/ my hair and makeup. Then, Amanda's Sister (Delaney) who was watching Hunter for the day came over, and I took off for Webster. When I got to Marie's Parent's house (where all the Bridesmaids were), everyone was finishing up hair and makeup, and having some snacks. We all got dressed, and helped Marie get into her dress.. very pretty :). Then after some pictures, the limo came and the party started....
I'll post more later w/ some "real pics", but for starters...

The "Best Man" and I, waiting in between photo ops. This is outside of the Fire Department that Tyler is a part of.

An informal one of us bridesmaids in the "bucket truck". Unfortunately it only holds 2 (safely) in the air, so we were pretty close to the ground, but still fun!

We took a little walk in the woods in a local park to catch some "fall" shots. This I will remind you once again, is not a formal shot lol, just a sneak peek.
After a few hours of pictures (Will post as soon as I can!!), we were ready to head to the reception. It was at a place called Glendoveres, which wasn't too far from where we did most of the photos. Of course, we all took advantage of the ride though and continued to enjoy some drinks. (*Thanks David!*)

One last shot, before it's time to go in!
As far as the reception, it's harder to post about this without photographic evidence, so I will hold off on that until I have some...
to be continued...