Friday, October 8, 2010

Fun Fridays! "5 things many people don't know about you..."

What are 5 things that many people don't know about you?

1. I love airports, airplanes and the idea of flying but get horrible anxiety when it comes time to take off. For some reason, one of my biggest fears is hitting another plane. Horrible right? But for whatever reason, it's been an ongoing fear, and I can't ever just relax and enjoy the ride. I think maybe now that I am old enough to drink, a nice shot of vodka could relax me...

2. One of my biggest regrets is not taking a soccer scholarship I was offered to Utica College my senior year of high school. For whatever reason, I didn't want to "play soccer" in college, I wanted to enjoy the experience. Well, if I had gone the other route, i'd be in better shape... and a lot less in the hole w/ loans ;).

3. Hunter Charles was the biggest surprise of my life, but from the beginning I was ready for the challenge. I don't believe there is ever really a "right time" to have a baby. As hard as you try, you can never really be 100% prepared. For us, it's learn as you go, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

4. I miss my "Nany" more than anything in this world. She passed away in 2005, and was only 54. It's my Mom's Mom, and I always felt like we had a really strong bond. We are similar in many ways, I've been told I developed my love of decorating from her. I just really wish she could have met Hunter. She would have loved him to pieces.

5. I'm very bad at "second chances". I feel as though a good first impression is very important. In the past i've dealt w/ people and relationships where I've tried to "make excuses", and justify things that should have never happened. It may sound bitter, call it what you will but I feel like i've grown up, and realized that some people will never change, and have learned to accept it.

Yay for Fun Friday's!!

We've got a good weekend up ahead. Tonight we are having dinner at Trevor's Mom's for his birthday. I get to see Nora, and squeeze her... Saturday, we're having friends over :), always a blast! And Sunday, I'm thinking it's Pepper Jelly Time! More to come, have a great Friday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog Kara.
    Always interesting to see how you perceive yourself. You sure have "grown up" alot. And nany is always watching over you and Hunter.



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