Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter Blah's.

Today, for lack of a better word, is a "blah" day. Due to a number of reasons. Hunter Charles is not feeling well at all. He's got a fever & an ear-ache and although he is still a chipper little boy I feel terrible for him. Also, "year-end" is a terrible time here at work... The stress is unbelievable and I actually get home and remember someone I had to call or an E-Mail I had to write. It's the first time in a really long time I've pulled out the laptop and worked from home. Blah. Also, I think there's that after Christmas (super broke) feeling that just bums you out.

Alright, I'll stop being a downer now and take a moment to be grateful for what I do have;

A healthy family, loving friends & a warm house. (oh, and 10 season's of Friends DVD's to make me smile.) Mwa haha.

On a random note, here's some things I've been lovin' lately....(and are super helpful for WW 2011!!)

Vitatops...are amazing! ONE point a piece. The only "downfall" is that they are slightly pricey, about 1.29 a piece when you do the math. But if you order them on, you can usually catch a deal.. plus, they are freezer foods so they last for a while!

The Misto is AMAZING. It evenly distributes Olive Oil on our food.. and makes it much easier to "count" the calories. Plus, it's only $9.95... Yowza!

Thank god this week is half over!

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