Thursday, August 13, 2009

Weight Watchers & Wilton Cake Classes

Wow that’s a conflicting title, but yes I am going to be starting both very soon.

I did Weight Watchers about a year and a half ago, and I did great! Problem is, for whatever reason, I stopped. I don’t know if it was lack of dedication (Trevor was in San Antonio for training), or if it was cost of food (My best friend Amanda and I were in the process of moving to Buffalo) but whatever the reason may be, I fell off the wagon.

Now I’m getting back on! I decided I am extremely unhappy with my post-baby body, and come to think of it wasn’t too fond of my pre-baby body. Realistically I am not ever going to be a size 2. So let’s make some realistic goals. In high school I weighed around 140 (OMG I thought I was big then….). Let’s see if I can at least get back to that. I’ll keep track of my results here and offer recipes, tips, etc. that I find out along the way!

Paychex does a Weight Watchers at work program that starts on Tuesday, August 25th. It is 17 weeks of sessions for a great discounted price. So I am signing up. I’m used to the encouragement of “eating what I want”, and I have done exactly that for the past 11 months. No more Garbage plates. No more Hong Wah, I’m sad. But…Looking on the bright side, WW is a great program because it doesn’t completely take away enjoyable food, it just limits how much of it you can eat. It will be worth it right J?

Now for the practicing self control part.

In September I am also going to be starting my cake-decorating classes at Michael’s. The beginner course is a 4 week session and will start September 1st. I have always wanted to take classes like these and was happy to find out that Wilton’s offers them right at local craft supply stores. Yay! So anyways, they teach you awesome tricks to make really advanced looking cakes. I figured that this could always be a good hobby to pick up, not to mention my stronger point right now is Cooking. Baking has never been one of my talents. Generally with baking you need a finished product that is appealing to the eye… and I just don’t take my time to make it look great! Can’t wait to start these classes! The bad part is, obviously during the baking/decorating process I will be surrounded (literally) by temptation. Don’t lick the spoon. Don’t eat the raw cake batter. Try not to pick at the cake while it’s cooling, etc.

I have will-power, right? Yeah right… That’s why I’m known BY NAME at many of the surrounding Chinese Restaurants. ;).

1 comment:

  1. WW is great, I'm sure you'll be successful. But yes, the willpower part is tough! The best thing you can do for yourself is to get all of the junkfood and temptation out of the house. Unfortunately for Trevor, that means he can't have it, either! I hope he'll be supportive about that... It'll be good for him, though. He doesn't have to do the actual WW plan, but if he eats the same stuff that you buy and cook, he will be a lot better off for it.

    As for the cake classes... it's not really hard to resist licking everything once you're actually in the classroom. Haha sort of awkward to be taking tastes of frosting when you're in there with other people! As for the finished cakes... TAKE THEM TO WORK. Get them out of the house as soon as possible. That's what I always do, because it's way too tempting to have them around the house!

    I know I still owe you a list of supplies... have you picked up anything yet? You should start by buying the Course 1 Kit and see what is included in there (I forget!).


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